Filicupula cyanopoda Döbbeler & P.G.Davison
Nova Hedwigia 113: 379 (2021)
MycoBank: MB 840423
Holotype: U.S.A., Alabama: Lauderdale County, Florence, Wildwood Park, above bluff of Cypress Crk., leg. P.G. Davison 2013-Jul-23 (8289, NY-holotype)
Ascomata: on and between the leaves including female bracts and male spikes, apothcial, orange to orange-red, without setae, broadly ellipsoid to cylindrical, less often subglobose, apically flattened or rounded, basally narrowed, gelatinous and shining when fresh, 220-320 x 170-300 µm; disc deepened, circular in outline, concolorous with the excipulum, 50-100 µm in diameter
Paraphyses: filiform, straight or curved, flexuous, not or rarely ramified, from the base to the apex slightly attenuated, 1.5-2.5(-3.5) µm wide
Asci: claviform, thin-walled, in water 72-115 x 12.5-15 µm, (2-, 3-)4-spored, with biseriate arranged spores in upper part, uniseriate in lower part
Ascospores: 1-celled, narrowly ellipsoidal, hyaline, straight or rarely slightly bent, usually with 3 large, globose, hyaline oil-bodies and often with a smaller additional one at each of both ends, in water (21-)25-34(-37) x (6-)6.5-8(-8.5) µm, epispore smooth
Host: Frullania inflata Gottsche
Infectious structures: infects the leaf cells, appressoria variable in shape and size, sessile or with a 1- or 2-(3-)celled stalk, rarely intercalary, 15-23 x 11-16 µm, very thick-walled
Habitat: on the epiphytic liverworts Frullania inflata
Distribution: U.S.A. (Alabama, Mississippi, North Carolina, Tennessee)
Note: close to F. sororia on Frullania kunzei but with slighlty smaller ascomata and ascospores, in F. cyanopoda ascospores are always under 40 µm long whereas in F. sororia almost always some ascospores longer than 40 µm can be found
Döbbeler P. & Davison P.G. 2021. Non-hypocrealean ascomycetes on Frullania mainly from Southeastern North America. - Nova Hedwigia 113: 361–401. DOI
- Döbbeler P., Davison P.G. & Buck W.R. 2023. Bryophilous ascomycetes of North America–an overview of the recorded species. - Herzogia 36: 305–370. DOI