The main characteristics for species identification are ascospore-size and ornamentation as well as
the host species. Below, there is a tentative key, which leads to main groups of species with similar spores. Apart from the key, a list of fungi with their known bryophyte hosts and a list of host bryophytes with the associated parasitic fungi may also help with idendification.
Key to main groups of bryoparasitic Pezizales
last update: 2016-01-18
the key as PDF
1 |
Spores globose or nearly so (Q < 1.1), ornamented |
2 |
1* |
Spores subglobose, ellipsoid or fusiform (Q > 1.1), ornamented or not |
9 |
2 |
Spore ornamentation consisting solely of warts or tubercles |
3 |
2* |
Spores ornamentation consisting of ridges, sometimes additionally with warts |
4 |
3 |
Spores ornamented with large wart or tubercles mostly > 1 µm wide
3* |
Spores ornamented with small warts, mostly < 1 µm wide
4 |
Spores ornamented by fine ridges 0.1-0.2 µm wide, host the liverwort Aneura pinguis
4* |
Spore ornamentation consisting of broader ridges, parasitic on mosses |
5 |
5 |
Ridges of spore ornamentation at least partly > 2 µm wide
5* |
Ridges of spore ornamentation < 2 µm wide |
6 |
6 |
Ridges of spore ornamentation with at least some loose ends, not forming a reticulum or reticulum incomplete
6* |
Spore ornamentation consisting of curved or straight ridges without loose ends, forming a complete reticulum, sometimes straight ridges can be reduced in various degrees and forming an incomplete reticulum (i.e. L. miniata s.l.) |
7 |
7 |
Spore ornamentation with curved ridges forming an alveolate reticulum (Seaveri-type)
7* |
Spore ornamentation with straight ridges forming an areolate reticulum |
8 |
8 |
Ridges of spore ornamentation 1.5-3 µm high
8* |
Ridges of spore ornamentation mostly less than 1.5 µm high
Lamprospora campylopodis, L. carbonicola, L. dictydiola, L. ditrichi, L. faroensis, L. feurichiana, L. gotlandica, L. hanffii, L. kristiansenii, L. miniata s.l., L. minuta, L. rugensis, L. spitzbergensis, L. tortulae-ruralis
9 |
Spores ornamented |
10 |
9* |
Spores smooth or nearly so (ornamentation hardly visible under the light microscope at 1000x magnification) |
13 |
10 |
Spore ornamentation consisting of ridges froming a ± reticulate pattern
10* |
Spore ornamentation consisting of isolated warts |
11 |
11 |
Asci 4-spored or 4-8-spored
11* |
Asci predominantly 8-spored |
12 |
12 |
Spores > 22 µm long, ellipsoid, narrowly ellipsoid or fusiform
12* |
Spores < 22 µm long, subglobose, broadly ellipsoid or ellipsoid
Octospora affinis, O. americana, O. cashii, O. ciervensis, O. erzbergeri, O. fissidentis, O. heterosculpturata, O. ithacaensis, O. meslinii, O. moravecii, O. orthotrichi, O. pseudoampezzana, O. similis, O. splachnophila, O. svrcekii, O. texensis, O. wrightii
13 |
Asci 4-spored or 4-8-spored |
14 |
13* |
Asci predominantly 8-spored |
15 |
14 |
Spores on average > 27 µm long
14* |
Spores on average < 27 µm long
15 |
Spores on average < 20 µm long
15* |
Spores on average > 20 µm long |
16 |
16 |
Spores on average > 13 µm wide
16* |
Spores on average < 13 µm wide