Bryoparasitic Pezizales

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 Bryophile Pezizales > Species > Octospora lilacina

Octospora lilacina (Seaver) Svrček & Kubička
Česká Mykologie 17: 65 (1963)

Basionym: Humarina lilacina Seaver, North American Cup-fungi, (Operculates) (New York): 128 (1928)

Octosproa lilacina, apothecia in moss-protonema Octospora lilacina, asci with ascospores
1: Octospora lilacina, apothecia in moss-protonema 2: Octospora lilacina, asci with ascospores
Apothecia: 0.3-0.8(-1.5) mm in diameter, margin not differentiated, hymenium pale pink to deep lilac
Asci: 8-spored, spores uniseriate
Ascospores: ellipsoid (13-)14-18(-19) x (9-)10-11(-12) µm, appearing smooth under the light microscope, surface with very delicate ridges forming an irregular reticulum in SEM-image
Host: not yet unequivocally known, possibly Pleuridium spec. Benkert (1995)
Habitat: on sandy soil with juvenil mosses or in moss-protonema, mostly at shaded, somewhat acid sites, not in base-rich habitats
Distribution: Austria, Czech Republic, Estonia, France, Germany (common, BE, BB, HE, MV, NW, SN, SH, TH), The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Slovakia (Janošík unpublished), Turkey (Uzun & Kaya 2019)
Note: in similar habitats and sometimes together with Octospora phagospora

  • Benkert, D. 1995. Becherlinge als Moosparasiten. - Boletus 19: 97-127.
  • Benkert, D. 2009. Zwei neue Arten bryophiler Pezizales (Ascomycota) aus der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und Auflistung der aus Deutschland bisher nachgewiesenen Arten mit Kurzdiagnostik. - Zeitschrift für Mykologie 75: 51-68.
  • Benkert, D. & Brouwer, E. 2004. New species of Octospora and some further remarkable bryoparasitic Pezizales from the Netherlands. - Persoonia 18: 381-391.
  • Brouwer, E. 1999. Mosschijfjes (Lamprospora en Octospora): voorkomen en verspeiding in Nederland. - Coolia 42: 2-20.
  • Eckstein, J. & Eckstein, G. 2013. Bemerkenswerte Funde bryoparasitischer Pezizales (Ascomycota) aus Deutschland. - Boletus 34: 55-66.
  • Eckstein, J., Eckstein G., Frauenberger, H. & Wieschollek, D. 2020. Erste Checkliste der Moosbecherlinge Thüringens. - Boletus 41: 51-64.
  • Engel, H. & Hanff, B. 1985. In Nordwestoberfranken gefundene Arten der Gattung Octospora Hedwig ex S. F. Gray. - Die Pilzflora Nordwestoberfrankens 9/A: 3-20.
  • Friebes G., Janošík L., Pöltl M. & Gallé A. 2024. Neue Nachweise bryoparasitischer Pilze in der Steiermark (Österreich). - Joannea Botanik 20: 49–79. PDF
  • Janošík, L., Sochorová, Z., Eckstein, J., Vega, M. & Koukol, O. 2023. Ascospore morphology of bryophilous Pezizales is closely associated with the place of infection and host ecology. - Fungal Ecology 61: 101200. DOI
  • Kristiansen, R. 2006. Miniatyrbegersopper nye for Norge. - Agarica 26: 69-77.
  • Ribollet, P. 2015. Contribution a? la connaissance des genres Octospora Hedw. 1789 et Lamprospora De Not. 1864 en Loire-Atlantique. - Cahiers Mycologiques Nantais 27: 3-12. PDF
  • Svrček, M. & Kubička, J. 1963. Druhý príspecek k operkulátním diskomycetúm z okolí rybníka Dvorist v jizních Cechách. - Česká Mykologie 17: 61-70.
  • Uzun, Y. & Kaya, A. 2019. New Additions to Turkish Pezizales from the Eastern Black Sea Region. - Turkish journal of botany 43: 262–270. DOI

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