Octospora axillaris (Nees) M. M. Moser
Gams, Kleine Kryptogamenflora, 3. ed. (Stuttgart) 2a: 110 (1963)

Basionym: Peziza axillaris Nees, Syst. Pilze (Würzburg): 258 (1816) [1816-17]

Synonyms: show
- Helotium axillaris (Nees) Boud., (1907)
- Humaria axillaris (Nees) Sacc., Syll. fung. (Abellini) 8: 130 (1889)
- Humaria carneola (Saut.) Sacc., Syll. fung. (Abellini) 8: 123 (1889)
- Humaria sublutea Velen., Monogr. Discom. Bohem. (Prague): 325 (1934)
- Humarina axillaris (Nees) Seaver, North American Cup-fungi, (Operculates) (New York): 124 (1928)
- Leucoloma axillaris (Nees) Fuckel, Jb. nassau. Ver. Naturk. 23-24: 318 (1870) [1869-70]
- Octospora carneola (Saut.) Dennis, British Cup Fungi & their Allies: 34 (1960)
- Octospora sublutea (Velen.) Svrček, Česká Mykol. 31(2): 70 (1977)
- Peziza carneola Saut., Flora, Jena 24: 308 (1841)
1: Octospora axillaris, apothecia on shoots of Phascum cuspidatum and on adjacent soil |
2: Octospora axillaris, asci with ascospores |

Apothecia: to 3 mm, without a differentiated margin, hymenium plane or convex, orange
Asci: 8-spored, spores uni- to biseriate
Ascospores: narrowly ellipsoid, sometimes slightly fusiform at one or both ends,(19-)21-26(-28) x (9-)10-11(-11.5) µm, smooth, mostly with two large oil droplets
Host: Phascum cuspidatum
Infectious structures: infects the stem and leafs
Habitat: in open habitats on disturbed soil with pioneer bryophytes, sometimes growing directly on shoots of the host Phascum cuspidatum
Distribution: Berlgium (De Meulder 1994), Czech Republic (Janošík unpublished), France, Germany (common, BW, BB, HE, MV, SN, ST, TH), Iceland (Pfister & Eyjólfsdóttir 2007), Slovakia, Hungary, North America

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3: Octospora axillaris, ascus with ascospores |
