Lamprospora minuta (Velen.) Svrček
Ceská Mykol. 31(2): 69 (1977)
Basionym: Barlaea minuta Velen., Monogr. Discom. Bohemiae: 322 (1934)
Type: Czech Republic, 'Mnichovice: Kunice. In terra ferrifera prati paludosi', 1922-Aug, Velenovský (lectotype PRM 147855)
1: Lamprospora minuta, apothecia with Bryum spec., Germany, Saxony-Anhalt, Drömling, leg. J. Eckstein 2020-Oct-27 (JE64915) |
2: Lamprospora minuta, ascus with ascospores stained in cotton blue, Germany, Saxony-Anhalt, Drömling, leg. J. Eckstein 2020-Oct-27 (JE64915) |
Apothecia: about 1 mm in diameter with conspicuous membranaceous margin, hymenium orange
Asci: 8-spored, spores uniseriate
Ascospores: globose, (12-)13-15(-15.5) µm in diameter, ornamentation consisting of ridges less than 0.3 µm broad forming a more or less regular but often incomplete areolate reticulum of 5-8(-10) meshes/diameter
Hosts: Bryum ssp.
Infectious structures: infects rhizoids
Habitat: in open habitats on soil with pioneer-mosses, also in plant pots with Leptobryum pyriforme
Distribution: Czech Republic, Germany, France, Norway?, Svalbard?, Switzerland
Note: The type probably grows on Bryum spec. and reports on other hosts may represent other taxa (i.e. Eckstein & Eckstein 2009).
- Benkert, D. 1987a. Beiträge zur Taxonomie der Gattung Lamprospora (Pezizales). - Zeitschrift für Mykologie 53: 195-271.
- Caillet, M. & Moyne, G. 1980. Contribution a l'étude du genre Octospora Hedw. ex S.F. Gray emend. Le Gal. especes a spores ornementées, globuleuses ou subglobuleuses. - Bulletin de la Société Mycologique de France 96: 175-211. [ut Octospora dictydiola]
- Caillet, M. & Moyne, G. 1991. Clé de détermination du genre Octospora et des genres voisins. - Bulletin de la Société d'Histoire Naturelle du Doubs 84: 9-24.
- Eckstein, J. & Eckstein, G. 2009. Bryoparasitische Pezizales (Ascomycetes) der Gattungen Lamprospora, Octospora und Neottiella im Alten Botanischen Garten von Göttingen. - Herzogia 22: 213-228. [Leptobryum pyriforme as host] PDF (abstract only)
- Engel, H. & Hanff, B. 1987. In Nordwestoberfranken und seinen angrenzenden Gebieten (Unterfranken) gefundene Arten der Gattungen Lamprospora De Notaris und Ramsbottomia W. D. Buckley emend. D. Benkert u. T. Schumacher. - Die Pilzflora Nordwestoberfrankens 11/A: 3-31.
- Schumacher, T. K. 1993. Studies in arctic and alpine Lamprospora species. - Sydowia 45: 307-337.
- Svrček, M. 1979. A taxonomic revision of Velenovsky's types of operculate discomycetes (Pezizales) preserved in National Museum, Prague. - Sborník Národního Muzea v Praze 32B: 115-194.
- Velenovský, J. 1934. Monographia discomycetum Bohemiae. - Pragae: Sumptibus propriis.