Bryoparasitic Pezizales

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 Bryophile Pezizales > Species > Octospora humosa

Octospora humosa (Fr.) Dennis
British Cup Fungi & their Allies: 33 (1960)

Basionym: Peziza humosa Fr., Observ. mycol. (Havniae) 2: 308 (1818)

Octosproa humosa, apothecium with Polytrichum piliferum Octospora humosa, ascus with ascospores
1: Octospora humosa, apothecium between shoots of Polytrichum piliferum 2: Octospora humosa, ascus with ascospores
Apothecia: rather large, 2-15 mm in diameter, cup-shaped, margin somewhat pubescent
Paraphyses: apical curved
Asci: 8-spored, spores uniseriate
Ascospores: ellipsoid with rounded ends, (18-)20-23(-26) x 11-13(-14) µm, smooth, one or two large oil droplets
Hosts: mostly Polytrichum piliferum, rarely Oligotrichum hercynicum, Pogonatum aloides, Pogonatum nanum or Polytrichastrum formosum
Infectious structures: induces sphaerical galls on rhizoid with hyphae inside the galls
Habitat: on soil with Polytrichaceae, at open, dry, nutrient-poor sites
Distribution: Austria, Belgium (De Meulder 1994), Germany (scattered, BW, BY, BB, HH, MV, NI, NW, SN, ST, SH), Greenland (Dissing 1982), Iceland (Pfister & Eyjólfsdóttir 2007), Montenegro, Spain, Svalbard, most European countries as well as North America

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