Octospora excipulata (Clem.) Benkert
Mycologia Montenegrina 10: 10 (2008) [2007]
MycoBank: MB 533991

Basionym: Leucopezis excipulata Clem., Gen. fung. (Minneapolis): 175 (1909)
Type: United States of America, Colorado, Mountain View, 'Geophilius gregarius ad terram muscosam semel Salix-Betula-helodrio', F. E. Clements & S. E. Clements (holotype? NY 01169191) type.

Synonyms: show
- Octospora drenthensis Arnolds, in Arnolds, Chrispijn & Enzlin, Ecologische Atlas van paddenstoelen in Drenthe 1: 232 (2015)
- Octospora roxheimii Dennis & Itzerott
- Octospora roxheimii var. aestivalis Caillet & Moyne, Bull. trimest. Soc. mycol. Fr. 103(3): 224 (1987)
1: Apothecia with Funaria hygrometrica |
2: Asci with Spores |
Apothecia: (0,5)1 - 4(5,5) mm, yellow, pale orange to orange, margin fringed to membranaceous, growing on soil
Asci: cylindrical, 8-spored, spores uniseriate
Spores: ellipsoid sometimes on one side fusiform, (17)19-27(30) x (12)13-17(18) µm, thick-walled, smooth, with one large oil droplet
Host: Funaria hygrometrica, Funaria calvescens (in Argentina), very rarely Aphanorrhegma patens and Physcomitrium sphaericum
Infectious structures: infects the stem and leaf cells, not the rhizoids
Habitat: open, disturbed ground, especially on burned ground and on potting soil in greenhouses and garden cerntres
Distribution: Argentina (Suárez et al. 2024), Austria, Belgium (De Meulder 1994), Canary Islands, Czech Repuplic, France, common in Germany (BB, BE, BW, BY, HH, MV, NI, NW, SA, ST, TH), Greece, Montenegro, Spain, United Kingdom, United States
Notes: The spores are very variable in size and the thick wall is only present in fully mature spores. Records on other hosts than Funaria sp. may represent undescribed taxa.
- Arnolds, E. 2015. Addendum. Enkele nieuwe paddenstoelen uit Drenthe. pp. 230–232. In: Arnolds, E., Chrispijn, R. & Enzlin, R. Ecologische Atlas van paddenstoelen in Drenthe. Deel 1, Paddestoelen Werkgroep Drenthe, Beilen.
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- Caillet, M. & Moyne, G. 1987a. Contribution a l'étude du genre Octospora Hedw. ex S.F. Gray (Pezizales), Espèces à spores elliptiques ou fusiformes. - Bulletin de la Société Mycologique de France 103: 179-226.
- Caillet, M. & Moyne, G. 1991. Clé de détermination du genre Octospora et des genres voisins. - Bulletin de la Société d'Histoire Naturelle du Doubs 84: 9-24. [ut Octospora roxheimii]
- Calonge F. de D., Rocabruna, A., Tabarés Carriedo, M. & Sierra, M.D. 1986. Contribución al estudio de los Ascomycotyna españoles: II: especies interesantes encontradas en Cataluña. - Bol. Soc. Micol. Madrid 11: 27–37. [as O. roxheimii]
- De Meulder, H. 1994. De geslachten Octospora Hedwig ex SF Gray en Lamprospora de Not. in België. - Sterbeeckia 16: 9–25. [as O. roxheimii]
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- Döbbeler, P. 1993. The infecting structures of Octospora rhoxheimii (Pezizales). - Arnoldia 6: 12-14.
- Eckstein, J. & Eckstein, G. 2009. Bryoparasitische Pezizales (Ascomycetes) der Gattungen Lamprospora, Octospora und Neottiella im Alten Botanischen Garten von Göttingen. - Herzogia 22: 213-228. PDF (abstract only)
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- Engel, H. & Hanff, B. 1985. In Nordwestoberfranken gefundene Arten der Gattung Octospora Hedwig ex S. F. Gray. - Die Pilzflora Nordwestoberfrankens 9/A: 3-20.
- Itzerott, H. 1981. Die Gattung Octospora mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Pfälzer Arten. - Nova Hedwigia 34: 265-280. [ut Octospora roxheimii]
- Medardi G. 2006. Non fimicolous arctic-alpine Ascomycetes collected in Austria 1. - Österreichische Zeitschrift für Pilzkunde 15: 21–29.
- Peric, B. 2002. Trois Discomycetes, nouvelles de la flore mycologique du Montenegro. - Mycologia Montenegrina 5: 93-118.
- Quintero, M., Quijada, L., Negrín, R. & Losada-Lima, A. 2020. Pezizales asociados a briófitos en las islas Canarias: estado actual y contribución a su estudio en la isla de Tenerife. - Ascomycete.org. 12:19–28.
- Ribollet, P. 2015. Contribution a? la connaissance des genres Octospora Hedw. 1789 et Lamprospora De Not. 1864 en Loire-Atlantique. - Cahiers Mycologiques Nantais 27: 3-12. PDF
- Rodríguez, N. S. 2009. Peziza moseri, Peziza bovina, Peziza gerardii, Octospora roxheimii, Geopyxis carbonaria y Geopyxix majalis, seis ascomycetes primaverales recoltados en la Sierra de Neila (Burgos). - Errotari 6: 73-90. [ut Octospora roxheimii]
- Rubio, E., Suárez, A. & Miranda, M. A. 2000. El genero Octospora Hedw.:S.F. Gray (Ascomycetes, Pezizales) en Asturias y Leon. - Bol. Soc. Micol. Madrid 25: 111-126.
- Rubio, E. & Miranda, M. A. 2006. Estudios micológicos en el Parque Natural de Somiedo (Asturias). II Campaña. Ascomycota. - Boletín de la Sociedad Micológica de Madrid 30: 49–72.
- Suárez G.M., Castillo L.A. & Ibiris M.A. 2024. Discovery of Octospora excipulata (Pezizales) in South America. - Bonplandia 34: 1–8. DOI
- Vega, M. 2017. Vorläufige Checkliste der in Hamburg vorkommenden Moosbecher-Arten aus den Gattungen Lamprospora, Neottiella, Octospora und Octosporopsis. - Boletus 38: 27-33.
- Yao, Y. J. & Spooner, B. M. 1996b. Notes on British species of Octospora. - Mycological Research 100: 175-178.
3: Apothecium with Funaria hygrometrica |
4: Octospora excipulata, ascospores |