Octospora moravecii K. B. Khare
Canadian Journal of Botany 54(9): 964 (1976)

Type: Czech Republik, 'Na zemi mezi nízkym hustym mechem na okraji pastviny a smíseného Lesa v blizkosti hromady hnoje ale na pudé cisté Branzez (district Mladá Boleslav), in solo inter muscos', 1967-Jun-24, J. Moravec, (isotype PRM 770326)


Apothecia: 1-2,5 mm in diameter, without membranaceous margin, pale yellow to orange
Asci: cylindric, 200-250 x 14-16 µm, 8-spored, spores uniseriate
Ascospores: broadly ellipsoid to subglobose, 14-16(-17) x (11-)12-14(-14.5) µm, ornamentation consisting of isolated warts 0.5-1.5 µm high, sometimes the warts can be connected to short ridges
Host: unknown, possibly Pohlia
Habitat: around reservoirs, at wet roadsides, on wet soil, in arctic/alpine habitats
Distribution: Austria, Czech Republic, Greenland (Dissing 1982), Norway, Svalbard

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