Lamprospora maireana Seaver
Mycologia 6: 14 (1914)

Type: Algeria, 'Parmi les mousses, talus humides au Boulevard Bru à Alger', 1912-Feb-1 R. Maire (holotype NYBG)

1: Lamprospora maireana, apothecium with shoots of Fossombronia caespitiformis, Portugal, Lissabon, leg. Marcel Vega 2014-Jan-26 (MV140126-04) |
2: Lamprospora maireana, ascospores stained with lactophenol-cotton-blue, Portugal, Lissabon, leg. Marcel Vega 2014-Jan-26 (MV140126-04, collection on Fossombronia caespitiformis) |

Apothecia: 0.3-4.0 mm in diameter with conspicuous membranaceous margin, hymenium yellowish-orange, orange or red
Asci: (280-)315-370 x 20-27(-36) µm, 8-spored, spores uniseriate
Ascospores: globose, inclusive ornamentation 19-24(-25) µm, exclusive ornamentation 15-20 µm in diameter, ornamentation consisting of rounded tubercles 3-6 µm wide and (1-)2-3(-5) µm high, partly confluent, with internal guttules therefore appearing "foamy"
Host: Fossombronia spec., collections on Archidium alternifolium may represent a separat taxon
Habitat: on damp soil
Distribution: on Fossombronia only in South Europe and North Africa, on Archidium alternifolium in Central and North Europe as well aa in North America
Note: The type from Algeria probably infects Fossombronia. Collection on Archidium alternifolium, especially from Central and Northern Europe, may represent a separate taxon.

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- Kullmann, B. 1997. A very rare discomycete, Octospora maireana, found in Finland. - Karstenia 37: 27-31.
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- Seaver, F. J. 1914. A preliminary study of the genus Lamprospora. - Mycologia 6: 5-24, plate 114. PDF
- Wang, Y. Z. & Kimbrough, J. W. 1992. Monographic studies of North American species of Octospora previously ascribed to Lamprospora (Pezizales, Ascomycetes). - Special Publication no. 4, National Museum of Natural Science (Taiwan).
3: Lamprospora maireana, apothecium with shoots of Archidum alternifolium, Germany, Thuringia leg. Jan Eckstein 2013-11-03 |
4: Lamprospora maireana, ascospores in water on the left side and stained with lactophenol-cotton-blue on the right side, Germany, Thuringia leg. Jan Eckstein 2013-11-03 (collection on Archidium alternifolium) |
5: Lamprospora maireana, ascospore SEM-image, Germany, Thuringia leg. Jan Eckstein 2013-11-03 (collection on Archidium alternifolium) |
6: Lamprospora maireana, asci with ascospores stained with lactophenol-cotton-blue, Germany, Thuringia leg. Jan Eckstein 2013-11-03 (collection on Archidium alternifolium) |
