Lamprospora faroensis Benkert
Zeitschrift für Mykologie 53(2): 222 (1987)

Type: Sweden, 'Gotl.: Fårö, N om Ajnens, på sandmylltäckt hällmark, 1943-Oct-27, Bengt Pettersson (holotype UPS, as Lamprospora crouani)


Apothecia: 0.5-1 mm in diameter with conspicuous membranaceous margin
Asci: 8-spored, spores uniseriate
Ascospores: globose, 15-17 µm in diameter, ornamentation consisting of ridges 0.5-0.7 µm wide and 0.8-1.2 µm high, forming a ± regular areolate reticulum with 5-8 meshes/diameter
Host: Bryum spec.
Habitat: on soil in base-poor habitats
Distribution: Sweden
Note: Benkert (1987) reported Ceratodon purpureus as host, but this has proven wrong by Egertova et al. (2018) later. It is a little known species with no unambiguously identified specimens apart from the type.

- Benkert, D. 1987a. Beiträge zur Taxonomie der Gattung Lamprospora (Pezizales). - Zeitschrift für Mykologie 53: 195-271.
- Benkert, D. 2009. Zwei neue Arten bryophiler Pezizales (Ascomycota) aus der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und Auflistung der aus Deutschland bisher nachgewiesenen Arten mit Kurzdiagnostik. - Zeitschrift für Mykologie 75: 51-68.
- Benkert, D. & Brouwer, E. 2004. New species of Octospora and some further remarkable bryoparasitic Pezizales from the Netherlands. - Persoonia 18: 381-391.
- Caillet, M. & Moyne, G. 1991. Clé de détermination du genre Octospora et des genres voisins. - Bulletin de la Société d'Histoire Naturelle du Doubs 84: 9-24.
- Yao, Y. J. & Spooner, B. M. 1995. Notes on British species of Lamprospora and Ramsbottomia. - Mycological Research 99: 1521-1524.
