Neottiella rutilans (Fr.) Dennis
British Cup Fungi & their Allies: 28 (1960)

Basionym: Peziza rutilans Fr., Syst. mycol. (Lundae) 2(1): 68 (1822)

1: Neottiella rutilans, apothecium between shoots of Polytrichum juniperinum |
2: Neottiella rutilans, ascus with ascospores |

Apothecia: large, 3-12 mm broad, turbinate, with a stem-like base, hymenium concave, orange, margin and outside of apothecium with tomentose hairs
Asci: 8-spored, spores uniseriate
Ascospores: ellipsoid, (18-)20-26(-30) x (11-)12-15 µm, ornamentation consisting of often discontinuous ridges forming an often incomplete reticulum. In extreme cases the ridges can be reduced to isolated warts.
Host: Polytrichum juniperinum, Polytrichastrum longisetum, Oligotrichum hercynicum
Habitat: on sandy soil, in open, base-poor habitats, in Germany often found in parks and graveyards
Distribution: Austria, Germany (BY, BB, HH, MV, NW, RP, ST, TH?), Greenland (Dissing 1982), also known from many European countries and North America
Note: In the past often confused with Neottiella vivida.

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