Bryoparasitic Pezizales

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Octospora bridei Caillet & Moyne
Bull. trimest. Soc. mycol. Fr. 103(3): 224 (1987)

Octospora bridei, apothecia in protonema of Ephemerum minutissimum Octospora bridei, asci with ascospores
1: Octospora bridei, apothecia in protonema of Ephemerum minutissimum 2: Octospora bridei, asci with ascospores
Apothecia: 0.5-1.5 mm in diameter, hymenium orange, without differentiated margin
Asci: 160-220 x 18-22 µm, 8-spored, spores uniseriate
Ascospores: broadly fusiform, almost lemon-shaped, (21,5-)23-25(-26) x (10,5-)11-12,5(-13) µm, ornamentation consisting of isolated, acutiform warts about 0.5 µm wide and 1 µm high, mostly two rarely only one large oil droplet, spore-wall with polar thickenings (best seen after dissolving the ornament with KOH)
Host: Ephemerum minutissimum, probably also Ephemerum serratum
Infectious structures: infects the persistent protonema of the host, appressoria mostly free, consisting of 1-3 cells
Habitat: in open habitats on disturbed ground, on arable fields after harvest especially stubble fields, along ditches
Distribution: France, Germany (extremely rare: BW, BY, NI, TH), Switzerland (Senn-Irlet et al. 2021), The Netherlands

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  • Benkert, D. 2009. Zwei neue Arten bryophiler Pezizales (Ascomycota) aus der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und Auflistung der aus Deutschland bisher nachgewiesenen Arten mit Kurzdiagnostik. - Zeitschrift für Mykologie 75: 51-68.
  • Benkert, D. & Brouwer, E. 2004. New species of Octospora and some further remarkable bryoparasitic Pezizales from the Netherlands. - Persoonia 18: 381-391.
  • Brouwer, E. 1999. Mosschijfjes (Lamprospora en Octospora): voorkomen en verspeiding in Nederland. - Coolia 42: 2-20.
  • Caillet, M. & Moyne, G. 1987a. Contribution a l'étude du genre Octospora Hedw. ex S.F. Gray (Pezizales), Espèces à spores elliptiques ou fusiformes. - Bulletin de la Société Mycologique de France 103: 179-226.
  • Caillet, M. & Moyne, G. 1991. Clé de détermination du genre Octospora et des genres voisins. - Bulletin de la Société d'Histoire Naturelle du Doubs 84: 9-24.
  • Eckstein, J. & Eckstein, G. 2013. Bemerkenswerte Funde bryoparasitischer Pezizales (Ascomycota) aus Deutschland. - Boletus 34: 55-66.
  • Eckstein, J., Eckstein, G. & Vega, M. 2014. Bemerkenswerte Funde bryoparasitischer Pezizales (Ascomycota) aus Deutschland II. - Boletus 35: 17-25. abstract
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  • Krieglsteiner, L. 2004. Pilze im Biosphären-Reservat Rhön und ihre Einbindung in die Vegetation. - Regensburger Mykologische Schriften 12: 1-770.
  • Krieglsteiner, L. 2007. Pilze im Biosphären-Reservat Rhön und ihre Einbindung in die Vegetation, Nachtrag 1. - Regensburger Mykologische Schriften 14: 3-20.
  • Ribollet, P. 2015. Contribution a? la connaissance des genres Octospora Hedw. 1789 et Lamprospora De Not. 1864 en Loire-Atlantique. - Cahiers Mycologiques Nantais 27: 3-12. PDF
  • Senn-Irlet, B., Blaser, S., Dougoud, R., Stöckli, E., Gross, A. & Mürner, R. 2021. Ascomyceten der Schweiz – seltene und wenig dokumentierte Arten. - Cryptogamica Helvetica 23: 1–432. PDF
Octospora bridei, ascus with ascospores Octospora bridei, appressorium on protonema
3: Octospora bridei, ascus with ascospores 4: Octospora bridei, appressorium on protonema
Octospora bridei, SEM-image of ascospore
5: Octospora bridei, SEM-image of ascospore

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