Bryoparasitic Pezizales

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 Bryophile Pezizales > Species > Octospora wrightii

Octospora wrightii (Berk. & M.A.Curtis) J.Moravec
Ceská Mykol. 23: 227 (1969)

Basionym: Peziza wrightii Berk. & M.A.Curtis, Ann Mag Nat Hist III 15:144 (1865)
Octospora wrightii, apothecia on Amblystegium serpens Octospora wrightii, asci with ascospores
1: Octospora wrightii, apothecia on Amblystegium serpens 2: Octospora wrightii, asci with ascospores, stained with lactophenol-cotton-blue
Apothecia: 1-2.5 mm in diameter, hymenium pale-orange to orange, margin narrow, membranaceous
Asci: 8-spored, spores uniseriate
Ascospores: subglobose, (11-)12-14(-15) x (9-)11-12.5(-13.5) µm, ornamented with rounded, isolated warts, one oil droplet
Host: Amblystegium serpens, rarely Amblystegium varium
Infectious structures: induces galls on the apical cell of rhizoids, the surface of the galls is completely coverd with hyphae
Habitat: in mats of Amblystegium serpens on stone or on bark often on or near the ground
Distribution: Belgium (De Meulder 1994), Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany (common, BE, BB, HH, MV, NW, RP, SN, ST, SH, TH), The Netherlands, Norway, Slovakia (Janošík unpublished), United Kingdom, United States
Notes: belongs to section Wrightoideae (Benkert 1998a)

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  • Caillet, M. & Moyne, G. 1991. Clé de détermination du genre Octospora et des genres voisins. - Bulletin de la Société d'Histoire Naturelle du Doubs 84: 9-24.
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  • Döbbeler, P. 1980a [1979]. Untersuchungen an moosparasitischen Pezizales aus der Verwandtschaft von Octospora. - Nova Hedwigia 31: 817-864.
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  • Engel, H. & Hanff, B. 1985. In Nordwestoberfranken gefundene Arten der Gattung Octospora Hedwig ex S. F. Gray. - Die Pilzflora Nordwestoberfrankens 9/A: 3-20.
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  • Lisická, E. & Moravec, J. 1987. Nové nálezy hub v Československu 27. Octospora wrightii (Berk. et Curt.) J. Moravec. - Česká Mykologie 41: 234-237, pl. XVII.
  • Mueangtoom, K., Kittl, R., Mann, O., Haltrich, D. & Ludwig, R. 2010. Low pH dye decolorization with ascomycete Lamprospora wrightii laccase. - Biotechnology Journal 5: 857-870.
  • Ribollet, P. 2015. Contribution a? la connaissance des genres Octospora Hedw. 1789 et Lamprospora De Not. 1864 en Loire-Atlantique. - Cahiers Mycologiques Nantais 27: 3-12. PDF
  • Richter, T., 2011b. Octospora wrightii. - URL:
  • Rubio, E., Suárez, A. & Miranda, M. A. 2000. El genero Octospora Hedw.:S.F. Gray (Ascomycetes, Pezizales) en Asturias y Leon. - Bol. Soc. Micol. Madrid 25: 111-126.
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  • Vega, M. 2017. Vorläufige Checkliste der in Hamburg vorkommenden Moosbecher-Arten aus den Gattungen Lamprospora, Neottiella, Octospora und Octosporopsis. - Boletus 38: 27-33.
Octospora wrightii, Apothecia on Amblystegium serpens Octospora wrightii, asci with ascospores
3: Octospora wrightii, apothecia on Amblystegium serpens 4: Octospora wrightii, asci with ascospores

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