Octospora musci-muralis Graddon Trans. Br. mycol. Soc. 58(1): 147 (1972)

1: Octospora musci-muralis, Apothecium in cushion of Grimmia pulvinata |
2: Octospora musci-muralis, Ascus with spores |
Apothecia: 1-5 mm in diameter, hymenium orange, margin paler
Paraphyses: apically curved
Asci: cylindrical, 8-spored, spores biseriate
Spores: ellipsoid to subcylindrical with almost parllel sided walls in the middle and broadly rounded ends, (20-)21-28(-30) x (9-)10-11(-12) µm, smooth, with one or two large oil droplets
Host: Grimmia pulvinata
Infectious structures: infects the rhizoids, appressoria free or coverd with many accompanying hyphae
Habitat: on stone (mostly limestone) and mortar walls in cushions of Grimmia pulvinata, especially in vineyards and urban areas
Distribution:Belgium (De Meulder 1994), Czech Republic (Janošík unpublished), France, Germany (scattered, BY, BE, BB, HE, HH, MV, NI, NW, RP, ST, TH), Hungary, Ireland, Montenegro, Norway (Kristiansen 2013), Slovakia (Janošík unpublished), Spain, Switzerland, UK
Note: This species is very similar to O. musci-muralis var. neglecta but has slighly larger ascospores and parasites on Grimmia rather than Schistidium.
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3: Octospora musci-muralis, Apothecium in cushion of Grimmia pulvinata |
4: Octospora musci-muralis, Ascus with spores |