Lamprospora lubicensis Benkert
Zeitschrift für Mykologie 60(1): 195 (1994)
1: Lamprospora lubicensis, apothecia |
2: Lamprospora lubicensis, ascus with ascospores |

Apothecia: 2-3 mm in diameter, with prominent, up to 1 mm broad membranaceous margin
Asci: 240-340 x 17-22 µm, 8-spored, spores uniseriate
Ascospores: globose, (14-)15-17(-18) µm, one oil droplet of 10-12.5 µm in diameter, ornamentation consisting of isolated warts, sometimes the warts are connected to short ridges
Host: Hennediella heimii
Infectious structures: infects the rhizoids, appressoria always covered with many accompanying hyphae
Habitat: on saline soil at the coast and also at inland saline sites
Distribution: Czech Republic (Janošík unpublished), Germany (HE, RP, SH, ST, TH)

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- Janošík, L., Sochorová, Z., Eckstein, J., Vega, M. & Koukol, O. 2023. Ascospore morphology of bryophilous Pezizales is closely associated with the place of infection and host ecology. - Fungal Ecology 61: 101200. DOI
- Oesau, A. 2009. Lamprospora lubicensis Benkert (Ascomycota, Pezizales), ein auf dem Salzmoos Desmatodon heimii (Hedw.) Mitt. parasitierender Pilz in Bad Kreuznach (Rheinland-Pfalz). - Archive for Bryology 45: 1-4. PDF
3: Lamprospora lubicensis, apothecia |
4: Lamprospora lubicensis, asci with ascospores stained with lactophenol-cotton-blue |
5: Lamprospora lubicensis, SEM-image of ascospore, Germany, Hesse, Bad Sooden-Allendorf, leg. Jan Eckstein 2014-01-18 |
6: Lamprospora lubicensis, SEM-image of ascospores, Germany, Thuringia, Bad Sulza, leg. Jan Eckstein 2016-04-30 |
