Bryoparasitic Pezizales

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Filicupula sororia Döbbeler & P.G.Davison
Nova Hedwigia 113: 382 (2021)
MycoBank: MB 840424
Holotype: U.S.A., Alabama: Lawrence County, Bankhead National Forest, along Co. Rd. 12, Tennessee Valley Divide, above hedwaters of Thompson Crk., leg. P.G. Davison 2016-Apr-17 (9379A, NY-holotype)
Ascomata: apothcial, orange, dry reddish, without setae, broadly ellipsoid to subcylindrical, less often subglobose, apically usually flattened, basally narrowed, 240-350 x 190-300 µm
Paraphyses: filiform, straight or curved, flexuous, not or rarely ramified, 1.5-2.5(-3) µm wide
Asci: claviform, thin-walled, in water 75-100 x 14-16 µm, (2-, 3-)4-(5-)spored, with partly biseriate arranged spores
Ascospores: 1-celled, narrowly ellipsoidal, hyaline, straight or rarely slightly bent, with 3 (4, 5) large, globose, hyaline oil-bodies, in water (26-)28-40(-46) x (6-)7-9(-9.5) µm, epispore smooth
Host: Frullania kunzei (Lehm. & Lindenb.) Mont.
Infectious structures: infects the leaf cells, appressoria sessile or with a 1- or 2-(3-)celled stalk, seen from above more or less elliptical, 16-22 x 12-15 µm
Habitat: on the epiphytic liverworts Frullania kunzei
Distribution: U.S.A. (Alabama, Florida, Mississippi, North Carolina)
Note: close to F. cyanopoda on Frullania inflata but with slighlty larger ascomata and ascospores, F. sororia almost always has at least some ascospores longer than 40 µm whereas F. cyanopoda has not

  • Döbbeler P. & Davison P.G. 2021. Non-hypocrealean ascomycetes on Frullania mainly from Southeastern North America. - Nova Hedwigia 113: 361–401. DOI
  • Döbbeler P., Davison P.G. & Buck W.R. 2023. Bryophilous ascomycetes of North America–an overview of the recorded species. - Herzogia 36: 305–370. DOI

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