Lamprospora aberrans Sochorová, M.Vega, J.Hernanz & Eckstein
Herzogia 36(1): 212 (2023)
Mycobank MB847133

Type: Spain, Alcalá de Henares (Community of Madrid), Parque de los Cerros, 40º27'30.7"N, 3º20'21.7"W, 650 m a.s.l., on Gymnostomum viridulum on a bank in a dark ravine in a forest of Pinus halepensis, 10 Apr 2021, leg. Jorge Hernanz, (holotype AH-56305, isotype PRM 958539).

1: Lamprospora aberrans, apothecia between shoots of Gymnostomum viridulum, Mallorca, holotype, image by J. Hernanz |
2: Lamprospora aberrans, spores stained with cotton-blue, Mallorca, holotype |

Apothecia: globose when young, later barrel-shaped or cup-shaped, up to 950 µm in diameter and 570 µm high, vividly orange; margin and receptaculum richly beset by stiff, hyaline hairs
Hairs: arising from the outermost cells of margin and the ectal excipulum, hyaline, sparsely septate, simple or less often bifurcate, at the margin oriented upwards (40-)90-215 x 8-16 µm (in the thickest part), very thick-walled, the opposite walls often merging and the lumen therefore absent; apex pointed or blunt
Paraphyses: mostly straight, simple or forked, septate, with a high content of carotenoid pigment (turning green in IKI), without VBs, sometimes anastomosing or having short lateral projections; apical cell usually cylindrical, less often slightly clavate, capitate or spathulate, 31-100 × 3-8 µm
Asci: vital(200-)250-350 x 20-28 µm, dead 180-250 x 14-18.5 µm, cylindrical, thinning toward the base, unitunicate, operculate, inamyloid, with a hemispherical apex, 8-spored
Ascospores: globose, vital 12.9-15.3(-16) µm in diam., containing a single large lipid body 9-10.5(-11) µm in diam.; ornamentation consisting of bent ridges, *0.2-1(-1.6) µm wide, 0.3-1(-1.2) µm high, often anastomosing, ending either blunt or pointed at their meeting points, cyanophilous
Host: Gymnostomum viridulum, Gymnostomum calcareum
Infection; infects the rhizoids of the moss host, appressoria of two kinds probably represent developmental stages: first 1-3-septate, 15-28 µm long and 10-15 µm wide and high, uncovered; later or on strong rhizoids appressoria larger, up to 25 µm wide and high and completely covered by a layer of connate hyphae
Distribution: Croatia, Spain (Mallorca)

- Sochorová Z., Vega M., Hernanz J., Eckstein J. & Sochor M. 2023. Lamprospora aberrans sp. nov. – the first species of Lamprospora with hairy apothecia. - Herzogia 36: 206–221. DOI
3: Lamprospora aberrans, ascospores in water, Mallorca, holotype |
4: Lamprospora aberrans, SEM-image a spore, Croatia, leg. Zuzana Egertová, 2016-01-02 (CNF 2/9852) |
