Bryoparasitic Pezizales

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Lamprospora benkertii Eckstein, M.Vega, Sochorová & Janošík
Mycotaxon 136: 696 (2022)[2021]
Mycobank: MB#831135

Type: Germany, Saxony-Anhalt, Western slope of Spielberger Höhe 1 km ENE Spielberg, 51.3247°N 11.5992°E, 220 m a.s.l., on loamy-calcareous soil with Trichostomum crispulum, Didymodon fallax, and Ephemerum recurvifolium, leg. J. Eckstein 2011-Aug-12 (Holotype, B 70 0100994, JE22084).

Lamprospora benkertii, apothecia Lamprospora benkertii
1: Lamprospora benkertii, apothecia between shoots of Trichotomum crispulum, holotype 2: Lamprospora benkertii, ascospores stained with cotton-blue, holotype
Apothecia: 0.4–1 mm in diameter, first spherical, becoming cup-shaped, finally discoid with a flat hymenium; margin inconspicuous; hymenium orange to bright orange, outer surface slightly paler
Asci: 180-250(-325) x 18-28 µm, cylindrical to slightly club-shaped, 8-spored
Paraphyses: filiform, straight, pluriseptate, rarely forked and only in lower third, gradually widening from 2.5-3 µm in lower third to 4-6(-8) µm at tip, terminal cell (30-)45-85(-100) µm long, with distinctive carotenoid pigment turning cyan to olivaceous in Lugol's solution, and numerous vacuolar bodies, size to 4 µm
Ascospores: uniseriate, hyaline, thin-walled, globose, 13-16.5 µm in diameter (ornamentation included) or 12-14.5 µm without ornamentation, lipid drop 8-10(-11) µm diameter; ornamentation consisting of curved ridges approximately 0.8-1.2(-1.6) µm wide and 0.8-1.2 µm high, forming a coarse alveolate reticulum with 4-8 meshes across ascospore diameter, meshes fairly variable and always with a thin secondary net of fine ridges
Host: Trichostomum crispulum
Infection; located on rhizoids of Trichostomum crispulum, consisting of mostly 1-celled ellipsoid appressoria, 20-30 x 10-12 µm, sometimes with a somewhat enlarged adjacent cell, initially free, becoming completely covered with anchoring hyphae
Habitat: on soil in open situations like grassland, or along tracks and paths together with bryophytes including, apart from the host, Aloina spp., Didymodon fallax, D. acutus, Ephemerum recurvifolium, and Weissia longifolia
Distribution: Austria (Friebes et al. 2024), Georgia, Germany, Norway, Slovakia, Switzerland

  • Eckstein J., Vega M., Sochorová Z. & Janošík L. 2022. Lamprospora benkertii sp. nov., and an evaluation of Lamprospora spp. with seaveri-type ascospore ornamentation. - Mycotaxon 136: 693–717. DOI
  • Friebes G., Janošík L., Pöltl M. & Gallé A. 2024. Neue Nachweise bryoparasitischer Pilze in der Steiermark (Österreich). - Joannea Botanik 20: 49–79. PDF
  • Janošík, L., Sochorová, Z., Eckstein, J., Vega, M. & Koukol, O. 2023. Ascospore morphology of bryophilous Pezizales is closely associated with the place of infection and host ecology. - Fungal Ecology 61: 101200. DOI
Lamprospora benkertii Lamprospora benkertii
3: Lamprospora benkertii, asci with spores in water, holotype 4: Lamprospora benkertii, infection on rhizoid of Trichostomum crispulum, holotype
Lamprospora benkertii Lamprospora benkertii
5: Lamprospora benkertii, SEM of ascospore, Germany, Saxony-Anhalt, Western slope of Spielberger Höhe 1 km ENE Spielberg, leg. J. Eckstein 2011-Sep-27 (JEID22365) 6: Lamprospora benkertii, SEM of ascospore, holotype

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