Octospora entosthodontophila C.Németh, M.Vega, Janošík & J.Hernanz
Herzogia 36: 20 (2023)
MycoBank: MB 848858

Type: Hungary, Vértes Mts, Csákvár, Mt Szóló-ko, 47°23'05.0''N/18°26'05.3''E, 235 m alt., on slope steppe on rocky soils, 5 March 2016, leg. C. Németh. Host: Entosthodon fascicularis, (holotype BP 112289, isotype CSN 7778).
1: Octospora entosthodontophila, apothecia with shoots of Entosthodon fascicularis, holotype, image by C. Németh |
2: Octospora entosthodontophila, spores in water, CSN10248, image by C. Németh |

Apothecia: scattered or gregarious, directly growing on shoots of the hosts or on soil nearby, young spherical, in mature state discoid, sessile, (0.5)1-4 mm in diameter, mostly with a conspicuous membranaceous, slightly fimbriate margin when mature, up to 0.3 mm wide. Hymenium yellow-orange or bright-orange, margin paler than the hymenium
Ectal excipulum: 70 –190 µm thick, composed of textura globulosa-angularis
Medullary excipulum: 60 –120 µm thick comprising variously shaped cells forming atextura intricata-angularis
Paraphyses: filiform, mostly curved, rarely straight, pluriseptate, sometimes branched, last cell apically inflated containing orange carotenoid pigment, terminal cell 40–80 x (4–)5–10(–12) µm
Asci: 240-350 x 20-24 µm (vital), 8-spored, cylindrical, pars sporifera 100-150 µm
Ascospores: uniseriately to subbiseriately arranged within the ascus, smooth, uninucleate, narrowly (elongated) ellipsoid to subfusiform, sometimes slightly asymmetric, (24.0–)25.0–26.3(–27.6) x (10.0–)10.4–11.3(–11.6) µm wide, Q=2.2–2.4, with two large, slightly unequal lipid bodies
Host: Entosthodon attenuatus, Entosthodon fascicularis, Entosthodon schimperi
Infectious structures: infects the basal stem and stem innovations, appressoria 16–25 µm long, 10–16 (-22) µm wide
Habitat: disturbed soil, mainly in open grassland
Distribution: Hungary, Spain

- Németh C., Vega M., Hernanz J., Eckstein J. & Janošík L. 2023. Octospora entosthodontophila, a new smooth-spored bryophilous ascomycete on Entosthodon spp. - Herzogia 36: 283–304. DOI
3: Octospora entosthodontophila, apothecia with shoots of Entosthodon fascicularis, CSN10248, image by C. Németh |
4: Octospora entosthodontophila, spores in water, CSN10248, image by C. Németh |
