Octosporella epiphylla Döbbeler & Beenken
Herzogia 24(2): 358 (2011)
MycoBank: MB 588491
Holotype: French Guiana, arrondissement of Cayenne, Montagne de Kaw, Montagne de Trésor, road from Roura to Kaw (D6), 'Sentier Botanique de Réserve Naturelle Tresor', 200 m, on Ceratolejeunea sp., 25-Jul-2009, L. Beenken (M, Dö 8908)

Ascomata: perithecia-like, ellispsoid to barrel-shaped, basally attenuated, apically rounded or truncated, yellowish to golden yellow when alive, glabrous or with short setae, 160-250 x 90-150 µm
Paraphyses: filiform, without ramifications, 2 µm wide
Asci: cylindrical or enlarged when two spores are lying side by side, 70-93 x 11-13 µm, 8-spored
Ascospores: one-celled, globose, colourless, with one large oil droplet, 9.5-12 µm in diameter, smooth
Host: Ceratolejeunea spec., unidentified Lejeuneaceae
Infectious structures: infects the leaf cells, appressoria elliptical, 18-23 x 8-15 µm when seen from above
Habitat: on the epiphytic liverwort Ceratolejeunea in tropical lowland forest
Distribution: Costa Rica, French Guiana

- Döbbeler, P. 2011. Two new hepaticolous species of the genus Octosporella (Pezizales). - Herzogia 24: 357-365.
