Bryoparasitic Pezizales

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 Bryophile Pezizales > Species > Octosporella hemicrypta

Octosporella hemicrypta (Döbbeler) Döbbeler
Nova Hedwigia 31(4): 828 (1980)
MycoBank: MB 113450
Basionym: Pseudonectria hemicrypta Döbbeler, Mitt. Bot. Staatssamml. Münch. 14: 100 (1978)
Type: Venezuela, Estado Merida, Pinta St. Barbara near Chachopo, Motantan valley, alt. 3000 m, Mar 1969, B. & F. Oberwinkler & J. Poelt (holotype GZU, isotype M)
Apothecia: perithecioid, 300-400 x 200-330 µm, elongate ovoid to ellipsoid, dry light orange, wet light yellowish, upper part with hair like hyphae to 25 µm long and 8-11 µm wide
Paraphyses: filiform, uniformly 2 µm wide, rarely branched
Asci: cylindrical, 100-125 x 11.5-15 µm, four-spored
Ascospores: ellipsoid, (24-)26-33(-40) x 9-12 µm, with rounded ends, hyalin, smooth
Host: Frullania sp.
Infectious structures: appressoria 15-25(-33) x 14-19 µm, ellipsoid with a short beak, 3-6 µm wide walls, with a 1-2-celled stipe
Habitat: between the leaves on the epiphytic liverwort Frullania
Distribution: Venezuela

  • Döbbeler, P. 1978. Moosbewohnende Ascomyceten I. die pyrenocarpen, den Gametophyten besiedelnde Arten. - Mitteilungen der Botanischen Staatssammlung München 14: 1–360. PDF
  • Döbbeler, P. 1980. Untersuchungen an moosparasitischen Pezizales aus der Verwandtschaft von Octospora. - Nova Hedwigia 31: 817-864.
  • Yao, Y. J., Spooner, B. M. & Læssøe, T. 2006. Octosporella fusispora sp. nov. (Pezizales), with a key to the species of the genus. - Nova Hedwigia 82: 483–487.

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