Bryoparasitic Pezizales

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 Bryophile Pezizales > Species > Octosporella jungermanniarum

Octosporella jungermanniarum (P. Crouan & H. Crouan) Döbbeler
Nova Hedwigia 31(4): 828 (1980))
MycoBank: MB 113922
Basionym: Nectria jungermanniarum P. Crouan & H. Crouan, Florule Finistère (Paris): 37 (1867)

Synonyms: show
Octosporella jungermanniarum, ascomata Octosporella jungermanniarum, spores
1: Octosporella jungermanniarum, ascomata on Plagiochila porelloides, Germany, Lower Saxony, S Eberholzen, leg. H. Thiel 2020-03-02 (59511) 2: Octosporella jungermanniarum, ascospores, Germany, Lower Saxony, S Eberholzen, leg. H. Thiel 2020-03-02 (59511)
Ascomata: perithecioid, egg- to barrel-shaped, 250-560 x 200-400 µm, orange, with many protruding, hair-like hyphae to 500 µm long, giving the whole ascoma a cactus-like appearance
Paraphyses: 2-4 µm wide, filiform, rarely branched
Asci: 100-160 x 19-27 µm
Ascospores: 28-40 x 12-14 µm, ellipsoid to narrowly ellipsoid, smooth, with cap-like thickenings at the poles, mostly with three yellowish droplets, one large at the center and two smaller ones laterally,
Hosts: Plagiochila asplenioides, P. porelloides, rarely on other liverworts such as Chiloscyphus polyanthos, Lophocolea bidentata, Pellia endiviifolia
Habitat: on the thallus of the liverwort Pellia endiviifolia, in forests, on rocks, in places with high air humidity
Distribution: Australia (Janošík et al. 2023), Austria, Czech Republic, Croatia, England, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Norway, Rumania, Russia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Wales, U.S.A. (Missouri, Döbbeler et al. 2023)

  • Corner, E. J. H. 1929. A humariaceous fungus parasitic on a liverwort. - Annals of Botany 43: 491-505. [as Neotiella crozalsiana]
  • Corner, E. J. H. 1935. A Nectria parasitic on a liverwort: with further notes on Neotiella crozalsiana. Gardens’bulletin. Straits Settlements 8: 135–144. [as Neotiella crozalsianaPDF
  • Crouan, P. L. & Crouan, H. M. 1867. Florule du Finistère. - Paris: Klincksieck. [as Nectria jungermanniarum]
  • Döbbeler, P. 1978. Moosbewohnende Ascomyceten I. die pyrenocarpen, den Gametophyten besiedelnde Arten. - Mitteilungen der Botanischen Staatssammlung München 14: 1–360. [as Pseudonectria jungermanniarum]
  • Döbbeler, P. 1980. Untersuchungen an moosparasitischen Pezizales aus der Verwandtschaft von Octospora. - Nova Hedwigia 31: 817-864.
  • Döbbeler, P. & Hertel, H. 2013. Bryophilous ascomycetes everywhere: Distribution maps of selected species on liverworts, mosses and Polytrichaceae. - Herzogia 26: 405–16.
  • Döbbeler P., Davison P.G. & Buck W.R. 2023. Bryophilous ascomycetes of North America–an overview of the recorded species. - Herzogia 36: 305–370. DOI
  • Friebes G., Janošík L., Pöltl M. & Gallé A. 2024. Neue Nachweise bryoparasitischer Pilze in der Steiermark (Österreich). - Joannea Botanik 20: 49–79. PDF
  • Janošík, L., Catcheside, P., Catcheside, D. & Döbbeler, P. 2022. Octosporella australis sp. nov. and O. jungermanniarum agg. (Pezizales), two notable hepaticolous fungi from Australia. - Nova Hedwigia 115: 157–179. DOI
  • Janošík, L., Sochorová, Z., Eckstein, J., Vega, M. & Koukol, O. 2023. Ascospore morphology of bryophilous Pezizales is closely associated with the place of infection and host ecology. - Fungal Ecology 61: 101200. DOI
  • Kristiansen R. & Olsen O. 2021. Two species of Octosporella (Pezizales) new to Norway. - Agarica 42: 103–111. PDF
  • Marsh, T., Döbbeler, P., Huhtinen, S. & Stenroos, S. 2010. Ascomycetes and anamorphic fungi growing on Plagiochila (Hepaticae) in Finland. - Karstenia 50: 59–72.
  • Rubio, E. 2015., link
  • Stenroos S., Laukka T., Huhtinen S., Döbbeler P., Myllys L., Syrjänen K. & Hyvönen J. 2010. Multiple origins of symbioses between ascomycetes and bryophytes suggested by a five-gene phylogeny. - Cladistics 26: 281–300. PDF
  • Stewart, B. 2018. South Wales Bryophytes, link
  • Yao, Y. J., Spooner, B. M. & Læssøe, T. 2006. Octosporella fusispora sp. nov. (Pezizales), with a key to the species of the genus. - Nova Hedwigia 82: 483–487.
Octosporella jungermanniarum, ascospores Octosporella jungermanniarum, hair-like hyphae from the outside of ascoma
3: Octosporella jungermanniarum, ascospores, Germany, Lower Saxony, S Eberholzen, leg. H. Thiel 2020-03-02 (59511) 4: Octosporella jungermanniarum, hair-like hyphae from the outside of ascoma, Germany, Lower Saxony, S Eberholzen, leg. H. Thiel 2020-03-02 (59511)

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