Octosporella microtricha Döbbeler, Negrín & M. Vega
Döbbeler, Berger, Negrín Piñero & Vega, Herzogia 31: 102 (2018)
MycoBank: MB 824609
Holotype: The Canary Islands (Spain), Tenerife: San Cristobal de la Laguna, Anaga Laurissilva Forest recreational area 'El Llano de los Viejos', 10-Jan-2018, M. Vega MV180110-02 (M)

Ascomata: perithecia-like, ellipsoidal, orange, 240-300 x 160-240 µm
Paraphyses: filiform, with few ramifications, apically not enlarged, 2-3 µm wide, apical cells 48-54 µm long
Asci: slightly claviform, 95-120 x 17.5-23 µm, (2-, 5-, 6-)7- or 8-spored
Ascospores: variable, narrowly ellipsoid to fusoid, often one half slightly wider, unicellular, hyalin, with 2 or 3 large oil bodies up to 0 µm in diameter, cell wall at the ends with cap-like thickenings, 26-36 x 10-12 µm, Q=2.5-3.3
Host: Frullania polysticta Lindenb.
Infectious structures: infects the leaf cells, appressoria sessile rarele stipitate, 18-25 µm long and 13-20 µm wide in surface view
Habitat: on the epiphytic liverwort Frullania polysticta in Laurissilva forest
Distribution: Canary Islands (Tenerife)

- Döbbeler, P., Berger, F., Piñero, R.N. & Vega, M. 2018. Octosporella microtricha and O. nematospora – Two New Pezizalean Ascomycetes on Frullania. - Herzogia. 31: 101–108.
- Janošík, L., Sochorová, Z., Eckstein, J., Vega, M. & Koukol, O. 2023. Ascospore morphology of bryophilous Pezizales is closely associated with the place of infection and host ecology. - Fungal Ecology 61: 101200. DOI
