Octospora musci-muralis var. neglecta (Dennis & Itzerott) Benkert
Zeitschrift für Mykologie 75(1):64 (2009)

Basionym: Octospora neglecta Dennis & Itzerott, Kew Bull. 28(1): 16 (1973)

1: Octospora musci-muralis var. neglecta, apothecia in tuft of Schistidium. Image by Jan Gaisler. |
2: Octospora musci-muralis var. neglecta, free ascospores. Image by Jan Gaisler. |
Apothecia: to 5 mm, orange-red, with conspicous membranaceous margin
Paraphyses: apically curved
Asci: cylindrical, 8-spored, spores biseriate
Spores: ellipsoid to subcylindrical with broadly rounded ends, 19-25 x 9-11(12) µm, smooth, with one or two large oil droplets
Host: Schistidium trichodon, Schistidium sp.
Habitat: on stone (mostly limestone) and mortar walls in tufts of Schistidium
Distribution: Austria (Friebes et al. 2024), Germany (scattered, BW, BY, HH, RP, TH), Spain, Sweden (Isaksson 2022), also further European countries and North America
Note: This species is very similar to O. musci-muralis but has slighly smaller ascospores and parasites on Schistidium rather than Grimmia.
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3: Octospora musci-muralis var. neglecta, asci and paraphyses. Image by Jan Gaisler |