Octosporella ornithocephala Döbbeler
Mitt. Bot. Staatssamml. Münch. 16: 473 (1980)
MycoBank: MB 112075
Type: Finland, 'Ahvenanmaa (Alandia), Lemland, Lemböte, Senskär, on trunk of ash in deciduous forest', 5 Jun 1962, T. Laine (holotype M)
1: Octosporella ornithocephala, apothecia on the liverwort Radula complanata, Germany, leg. L. Janošík & M. Vega 2020. Image by L. Janošík |
2: Octosporella ornithocephala, asci with ascospores in water, Germany, leg. L. Janošík & M. Vega 2020. Image by L. Janošík |
Apothecia: perithecioid, 210-300(-360) x 150-250(-350) µm, almost sperical to ovoid, yellowish; upper part with stiff setae up to 150 µm long very thick walled
Paraphyses: filamentous, 2–3 µm wide, ramified
Asci: 85-110 x 11-14 µm, cylindrical, 2-(3-, 4-)spored
Ascospores: (22-)33-50(-65) x 9-12(-14) µm, narrowly ellipsoid, rarely slightly curved, colourless, in most cases with four oil droplets, two large ones in the middle and two at the ends, spore wall at both ends thickened, epispore with blunt cyanophie warts
Host: Radula complanata (L.) Dumort
Infectious structures: Apressoria (13-)16-21(-24) x9-13(-15) µm, elliptical, with a typically curved, to 50 µm long stipe
Habitat: between the leaves of the epiphytic liverwort Radula complanata
Distribution: Austria (Friebes et al. 2024), Canada (Döbbeler et al. 2023), Finland, France, Germany (BY Janošík unpublished), Norway (Kristiansen & Olsen 2021), Switzerland (Senn-Irlet et al. 2021), U.S.A. (Alabama, Döbbeler et al. 2023)
- Döbbeler, P. 1980b. Moosbewohnende Ascomyceten IV. Zwei neue Arten der Gattung Octosporella (Pezizales). - Mitteilungen der Botanischen Staatssammlung München 16: 471-484. PDF
- Döbbeler, P. 1984. Einige für Bayern neue bryophile Ascomyceten. Ber. Bayer. Bot. Ges. 55: 79–84. PDF
- Döbbeler P., Davison P.G. & Buck W.R. 2023. Bryophilous ascomycetes of North America–an overview of the recorded species. - Herzogia 36: 305–370. DOI
- Friebes G., Janošík L., Pöltl M. & Gallé A. 2024. Neue Nachweise bryoparasitischer Pilze in der Steiermark (Österreich). - Joannea Botanik 20: 49–79. PDF
- Janošík, L., Sochorová, Z., Eckstein, J., Vega, M. & Koukol, O. 2023. Ascospore morphology of bryophilous Pezizales is closely associated with the place of infection and host ecology. - Fungal Ecology 61: 101200. DOI
- Kristiansen R. & Olsen O. 2021. Two species of Octosporella (Pezizales) new to Norway. - Agarica 42: 103–111. PDF
- Moyne, G., Moingeon, J. M. & Chaillet, P. 2011. Sympathiques hépatiques (1) ou quelques espèces du genre Octosporella. - Bull. Féd. Myc. Est 9: 37-43.
- Senn-Irlet, B., Blaser, S., Dougoud, R., Stöckli, E., Gross, A. & Mürner, R. 2021. Ascomyceten der Schweiz – seltene und wenig dokumentierte Arten. - Cryptogamica Helvetica 23: 1–432. PDF
- Yao, Y. J., Spooner, B. M. & Læssøe, T. 2006. Octosporella fusispora sp. nov. (Pezizales), with a key to the species of the genus. - Nova Hedwigia 82: 483–487.
3: Octosporella ornithocephala, a single ascospora stained with cotton blue, Germany, leg. L. Janošík & M. Vega 2020. Image by L. Janošík |
4: Octosporella ornithocephala, an appressorium stained with cotton blue on a leaf of Radula complanata, Germany, leg. L. Janošík & M. Vega 2020. Image by L. Janošík |