Octosporella radulae Döbbeler & Menjívar
Revista Biol. Trop. 40(1): 80 (1992)
MycoBank: MB 358697
Type: Costa Rica, Prov. Puntarenas, Cordillera de Tilarán, Reserva Biologica de Monteverde, 1500-1650 m , 12-XI-1987, P. Döbbeler & J. Carranza (holotype Dö 6462 in USJ).

Apothecia: peritheciod, 220-300 x 140-200 µm, ellipsoid to pyriform, dry yellowish to whitish, living probably orange, outside with stiff hyaline hairs (65)-100-150(-220) x 9-15 µm
Paraphyses: filiform, uniformly 1.5-2.5 µm wide
Asci: subcylindrical, 72-93 x 10-15 µm, four-spored
Ascospores: ellipsoid, 22-28 x (7.5-)8-10.5 µm, hyalin, usually with one large central droplet and two smaller lateral droplets, epispor finely verrucose
Host: Radula sp.
Infectious structures: appressoria 13-20(-25) x (8-)10-14 µm, ellipsoid, sessil or with a short 1-3-celled stipe
Habitat: between the leaves of the epiphytic liverwort Radula
Distribution: Costa Rica

- Döbbeler, P. & Menjívar, R. 1992. Tres nuevas especies de ascomicetes en hepáticas epífilas de Costa Rica. - Revista de Biología Tropicale. 73–81. PDF
- Yao, Y. J., Spooner, B. M. & Læssøe, T. 2006. Octosporella fusispora sp. nov. (Pezizales), with a key to the species of the genus. - Nova Hedwigia 82: 483–487.
